Registration: You can apply by filling in the online form or you can call us: 043 244 08 32

Requesting a place

Visitng the Nursery: We will contact you as soon as possible after you have successfully registered and arrange a meeting at the Nursery for you to look around. This way, you will get a chance to see our beautiful location and meet the Day Care manager, as well as the team in person.

Care voucher: In the meantime, you can take care of all the aspects regarding subsidies.

Care voucher

Settling In: Since children have highly individual needs, we will customize the settling in process to the needs of your child.

Day Care: The regular day care will start after your child has successfully gone through the familiarization process.

At Kita Wunderfitz, we offer internship positions subsidized by the community of Horgen. Please visit the official Horgen website for all necessary information.

Kita Wunderfitz is located within a recently completed residential development in the Käpfnach neighborhood, which is easy to reach both by public transport (“Bergwerk” stop) and by car (parking available).

In order for your child to be able to settle in at our day care nursery, he or she need to be guided through the process gently. We will take at least two to three weeks to establish a good relationship, applying the Berlin settling-in method.


In the nursery, children are mostly cared for in mixed-age groups of 12 children. Structures are lived in the groups and the daily routine is designed according to the needs of the children.

The educators have completed training in the field of childcare.

We are open from 6:30 a.m to 6:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

At our nursery, each child’s needs are the focus of our attention. Here is where your child can spend his or her day in a stimulating environment with plenty of possibilities to experience, to create, to discover and to explore the world. Your child can do all this enjoying an atmosphere of safety, familiarity, affection and security. We treat each child as an independent personality whom we guide and support in his or her personal development.

Pedagogical concept

We consider working in close cooperation with the parents essential. When parents talk to our staff when dropping off or picking up their child or at one of our regular parent-child events (e.g., our “summer apéro” or our advent brunch), a healthy exchange of opinions takes place. Also, on completion of the child’s settling-period, there usually is a brief exchange between a child’s parents and the carer responsible about how the child feels, and there are annual talks about each child’s progress.

Our day care nursery opens at 6:30 a.m. We welcome the kids until 9:00 a.m. and look after them while they are playing. Between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. we offer them breakfast. From 9:30 a.m. the kids pursue their individual activities under our guidance. Lunch, which takes place in two segments (11:15 a.m./12:15 p.m.), is followed by midday rest/nap time (for the little ones) or mild, calm play. From 2:15 p.m. and after the Zvieri (afternoon snack), the kids can once again pursue their individual activities. Child pick-up time starts at 4:30 p.m., and at 6:30 p.m. our day care nursery closes.

The food we serve the kids is nutritious, balanced and varied. We prepare all our meals fresh daily on the nursery’s premises.


We can take care of your child on between two and five days per week, allowing him or her to easily settle in to the nursery’s day-to-day life.


Our nursery is closed on all public holidays as well as on Friday following Ascension Day, and between Christmas and New Year (in concert with the Horgen public schools).


Our nursery’s kids are distributed across three child groups of twelve day care places each and according to age.
Yellow Group: small children of up to two years of age; Red Group: children of between two and approx. four years of age; Blue Group: children of between four and six years of age.


It is basically the parents’ responsibility to obtain sufficient health, accident and liability insurance. For events and accidents that the care facility may be held liable for, the day care nursery has obtained extensive liability insurance.

Yes, of course. Our day care manager will be happy to give you more information.

In order to protect the other children, sick children cannot be taken care of in the nursery.

The rates at the Nursery are the same for every month, independent of the number of days the particular month has. Absences caused by illness, bank holidays or vacation are taken into account in the all-inclusive price.
